The Bangladesh Chapter of FABA (FABABD) was initiated in February 2021 involving scientists, researchers, academicians, industry partners and institutional representatives. Thus in line with the aim and objectives of the chapter, the following type of membership will be applicable for the chapter operations to reach to the goal:
Academic Member: An academician working as a faculty Under the Biological Sciences in a University, understands the aim and objectives of the Chapter and interested to work in line with the mission and vision of the Chapter is highly welcome to be an "Academic Member". An academic member shall represent his/her department in consultation with the head of the department/discipline. S/he will be responsible to communicate and coordinate all the FABA and FABA Country Chapter activities to the respective depertment or even to the entire academia. Universities may have multiple academic members from different departments under the biological sciences or from relevant disciplines.
Institutional Member: A scientist working in an institute or research organization, understands the aim and objectives of the Chapter and interested to work in line with the mission and vision of the Chapter is highly welcome to be an "Institutional Member". An institutional member shall represent his/her institute/department in consultation with the head of the institute/department. S/he will be responsible to communicate and coordinate all the FABA and FABA Country Chapter activities to the respective depertment or even to the entire institute.
Industrial Member: A scientist or an individual working in a pharmaceutical or biotech industry, or in an industry developing biotech products or involved in manufacturing food products or products untilized in health and agricultural sectors and understands the aim and objectives of the Chapter and interested to work in line with the mission and vision of the Chapter is highly welcome to be an "Industrial Member". An industrial member may represent his/her institute/department in consultation with the head of the institute/department. S/he will be responsible to communicate and coordinate all the FABA and FABA Country Chapter activities to the respective organization/depertment or even to the entire industry.
Industry Partner: A pharmaceutical or biotech industry, or an industry developing biotech products or involved in manufacturing food products or products untilized in health and agricultural sectors are invited to register as the "Industry Partner" of FABA Bangladesh Chapter. It is the expectation of FABA and FABA Country Chapter, as well, that the Industry paetner will come forwad to train students or to support students for training and development in the areas of biotechnology to develop them as the potential candidate for the biotech sectors for proper placement in job sectors after the completion of their academic degree(s).
Student Member: Any students participating in the FABA or FABA Bangladesh Chapter program will be offerred to free register as the student member of the Bangladesh Chapter. S/he will be informed about all the upcoming programs and activities of FABA and the Country chapter for their participation.
Life Members: An academician working as a faculty Under the Biological Sciences in a University or a scientist working in an institute or research organization, or a scientist or an individual working in a pharmaceutical or biotech industry, or in an industry developing biotech products or involved in manufacturing food products or products untilized in health and agricultural sectors understands the aim and objactes of the Chapter and interesed to work in line with the mission and vision of the Chapter is highly welcome to be a Life Member of the Country Chapter with required subscription. Life members are elligible to sit on the Executive Committee (EXCO) on selection/election during the EXCO meeting or Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chapter.
Society, Association or Network Membership: Interested societies, associations, or networks of biological, biomedical, or medical sciences graduates can register for the membership of the Chapter just submitting the specific society/association/network registration form. Member society/association/network will be given preference for registering participants for the capacity building and other programs organized under the banner of FABA and the country Chapter.
Executive Member: Chapter President in assciation with the Chair of the EXCO involving the members of the Committee will select/elect members of the EXCO and appoint them for the three years (renewable) term from the life members' pool. Members of the EXCO will be involved in decision making of the Chapter and meet at least quarterly in a year or when needed for program and planning of chapter activities.